Tuesday, July 3, 2007

MySpace - Update 7/3/07

Just wanted to write an update since I have kind of disappeared for the last few days.

Friday: Michelle took me to get my U-Haul truck (a mini-mover 10' truck that she called the 'itty bitty baby truck') and we loaded it about 1/3 full of everything that I had pre-packed. I spend the rest of that night breaking down my desk and packing anything else that I could.

Saturday: I woke up at 5:30 and kept packing and loading the truck, Michelle came back over at 9-ish and soon after Justin texted me that his plane had landed (a half hour early). Unfortunately their baggage check was taking a ridiculously long time so we ended up circling the airport for about an hour until his bag came out and we could leave. Michelle had to go get her mom (she just had major surgery and was being released to an assisted care facility for her rehab), so we said our goodbyes and Justin and I kept moving. Tigger was the last thing moved from the apartment to the truck after I had cleaned as much as I could, and we hit the road at 2:45pm. I had to stop and cancel my UPS Store mailbox and we ate before leaving to start the long, long drive. Tigger did really well this first day, meowing for only about 5 minutes before laying down and falling asleep (if you have ever moved a cat across the country before you know how rare this is). Long story short, we got into the hotel in Cameron, MO at about 9:30pm, went and got Taco Bell and brought it back to the room (where Tigger the fearless was bouncing around touching and smelling everything like a pro) and hit the hay.

Sunday: Slept in, got up around 8:00 and had some continental breakfast at the hotel. Turned in our keys and left again. Tigger wasn't too happy about a 2nd day of this silliness and he let me know it for about an hour and a half (until we were through Kansas City). We had to slow down for some rain that cleaned off the trucks but we apparently missed the really bad storms they were having down here. We only stopped once to break and put air in my leaky tire and made it the rest of the way, got here about 3pm Central. We unloaded my U-Haul, then my truck (the TVs, dishes and computer went in my truck) and Tigger the fearless was again at the task of smelling everything and letting us know about corners where the carpet was loose and the cable guy did a lousy install.

We've been unpacking since, had to go over to his old apt and get his big furniture and clean the place (although I'll admit that I slacked on the cleaning because I had to clean my own place!) We already have internet, he got that installed the day before coming up so this room was set up first, quickly followed by getting all of the dishes put away in the kitchen. Justin goes back to work today so I'm going to get as much done as possible in-between the few things that I have to venture out to do. Wish me luck!

I know most of them will never read this but I need to shout out thanks to Michelle for all of her emotional support and other help during the last few months, it's meant the world to me. Thanks to my mom and step-dad as well for financing my move! I couldn't have done it without them. Also thanks to Jenni for always responding to my texts about where we were! ;) I've missed her lately since she hasn't been at the computer much so it was nice to hear from her along the way. And of course, thanks to my lovely fiance for putting up with me (and Tigger) along the way and being my shoulder to lean on even when he was too exhausted to move.

That's it for now!! :)